Circuit of the Cordillera Huayhuash is considered one of the most beautiful trek in the world. Not an easy journey, as steps were tall cross, but his effort is rewarded with spectacular views...
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The pyramidal Mount Alpamayo, is considered one of the most beautiful mountains in the world. The ascent towards the summit is very steep and is mostly technical climbing...
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Located in the Ishinca Valley north east of Huaraz, the main advantage of this mountain is that it can be climbed down without any rappels. There are great views from the top.
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El Chopicalqui is the third Huascaran peak of the massif, located in the Cordillera Blanca, between the two peaks of the Huascaran and Contrahierbas, in the Yungay province.
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Is an Archaeological Site located at 110 km. Of the city of Cuzco, on the valley of the river Urubamba, in the mountains of Vilcabamba, in the region of the Amazonian Andes.
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Colca is one of the biggest tourist destinations in Peru..Misti considered as one of the 10 active or potentially active volcanoes of this part of the Andes
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